Keep B2B Customers Keen
How to Put Your Platform to Use to Keep B2B Customers Keen
The world of B2B e-commerce is changing. Up until not very long ago, buyers were still assigned to deal with sales vendors and reps in the flesh. Today, the online world has broadened horizons for B2B buyers massively, meaning much of their job can be done over an internet-enabled device. However, just because the role and remit of the buyer is evolving, doesn’t mean the basic nature of a B2B e-commerce supplier has changed all that much.
The same basic needs and wants of the customer are there. You’ll be dealing with customers who want to order in high volumes. You’ll have to field detailed answers to questions regarding product specs. As your business grows and client base expands, you’ll also no doubt have to deal with various pricing agreements and structures, with no B2B arrangement being the same as the next. There are multiple B2B e-commerce solutions that you can use to make life easier for both you and your customers.

Enrich your listings with feature content and insightful information
Both B2C customers and B2B buyers have the same reaction to a product page with threadbare information provided. They’ll look elsewhere. Admittedly, pricing can factor into an overall purchasing decision, but if your price is too convincing, it’s probably too low. Provide the customer with enriched product content and detail they might not find elsewhere with other suppliers and retailers, you’ll lock onto a purchase. With B2B customers, the result is even more lucrative. A buyer seeks in-depth information like sizing charts, buying guides, manufacturer profiles and so on. Buyers are used to emailing suppliers for this information on a daily basis, so pre-empting this task by having the information ready and waiting for them is a green light for a good B2B relationship built on trust and reliability.
Customise your store front for different B2B clients
Merchants looking to simplify things are advised to choose an enterprise e-commerce platform that scores top marks in B2B best practice. A wholesale channel is an ideal way to do cater to your client base of resellers, retailers and other customers dealing in high-volume. With the right platform, you don’t have to worry about lengthy periods of development to tailor your store front to the needs and requirements of B2B clients. Instead, a password-protected version of your store front can be utilised instead. Opt for the right platform and you’ll be able to create custom settings for each of your clients, whether that’s individual price lists, minimum and maximum quantity restrictions and more. This way, it’s easy for you to keep track of all the essentials with clear oversight, whether you’re tracking orders for invoicing purposes or conducting an audit of your B2B client population. And for the clients themselves, you’ll have an expedited user experience ready for them. Let them purchase quickly with saved details or favourite orders, keep them in the loop with tracking order information, and trigger automatic communications to confirm order status and handle all the follow-up pleasantries.