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Can a Diesel Heater Run on Waste Oil

Jerry Cans

Jerry Cans

If you are thinking of getting a cheap Chinese Diesel heater, you may also be asking, can you reduce the running costs even more by running it on waste oil? Yes, diesel heaters can run on waste oil. This type of fuel is usually a by-product of industrial processes and is usually used to power engines. Waste oil is often much cheaper than traditional diesel fuel and can be used in most diesel engines, including diesel heaters. However, it is important to note that it is not recommended to use waste oil for prolonged periods without changing the oil filter, as it can lead to clogging and other engine problems.

Running Cheap Chinese Diesel Heater on Waste Oil to Save Money

In this video by @TheCraftyTech you will see that he is using a cheap Chinese Diesel heater that is running on waste oil. One thing to consider, these Diesel heater do run well on Diesel. So if you are going to run it on waste oil, you will need to change some of the settings. Also when starting it, @TheCraftyTech does say that the initial starting of the oil heater can be a bit of a problem, but he did overcome that by injecting some propane at the start. In the video he explains that he removes the air intake pipe and then allows the propane gas to enter the heater. The propane gas allows the oil burner to get up to temperature, till the diesel heater gets up and running properly on its own.

Running a Diesel Heater on Waste Oil Video

Can a Diesel Heater Run on Waste Oil Video

Running Waste Oil on a Diesel Heater You Will Need to Change the Settings

In the video you will also see how some of the settings on the controller had to be changed, in order for the Diesel heater to work better when using waste oil. It would seem that initially in testing to see if this type of heater would work on waste oil, he did wear out the glow plug. A glow plug is a heating device used to help start diesel engines. It works by heating the air in the combustion chamber, making it easier for the diesel fuel to ignite. They work well when using diesel, but if using waste oil, they are lacking in power.

Saving Money Using Waste Oil for Heating

Using waste oil for heating can be a great way to save money. By recycling used motor oil, you can use it as a fuel source instead of buying fuel oil or electricity to heat a space. With a little bit of effort, you can save a lot of money by contacting your local garage to see if you can get some waste oil from them. I think they have to pay to get the waste oil taken away. So maybe, it could be a free source of heating for you.

Diesel Heater of eBay

I find that eBay can also be a good place to find items to give you a bit more of a saving, so why not take a look on eBay for Diesel Heaters.You just never know what bargain is on there.

Waste Oil Heater Warnings

If you do plan on using a Diesel Heater for waste oil, ensure that it is legal to do so in your area.

It is important to take advice from a professional when installing and operating a waste oil heater.


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