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How Court Form N244 Can Help a Debtor

Court Form N244 #johnnydebt

Court Form N244

Court Form N244 is a crucial tool for debtors in the UK, allowing them to request a court to set aside or amend a judgment or temporarily halt an enforcement process. This guide provides an overview of Court Form N244 and its applications.

Court Form N244: An Overview

Court Form N244 serves as an application notice used to request a court to set aside or modify a judgment, or temporarily halt an enforcement process. This tool proves invaluable for debtors facing difficulties in repaying their debts.

When to Use Court Form N244

You can utilise Court Form N244 in the following situations:

How to Complete Court Form N244

To fill out Court Form N244, you must provide the following information:

Additionally, you’ll need to supply supporting evidence. For instance, if you’re requesting to set aside a CCJ, you might need to demonstrate improper service of court documents or valid reasons for not defending the claim.

How Court Form N244 Can Help a Debtor

Submitting Court Form N244

After completing Court Form N244, submit it to the court along with the required fee. Submission can be done online or through postal services.

What Happens After Submitting Court Form N244

Once the court receives your application, it will forward a copy to your creditor. The creditor then has the opportunity to respond.

Subsequently, the court may schedule a hearing to evaluate your application. During the hearing, you can present your case to the judge, who will decide whether to grant or reject your application.

Tips for Effective Use of Court Form N244

Here are some pointers for effectively using Court Form N244:

Search Johnny Debt for more examples of how Court Form N244 has helped debtors.

Form N244 Case Studies

Explore real-life scenarios where debtors successfully employed Court Form N244:

  1. A debtor unable to afford CCJ repayments applied for a variation using Form N244, resulting in a 50% reduction in their repayments.
  2. A debtor who had an unnoticed CCJ registered against them used Form N244 to set it aside, presenting evidence of non-receipt of court papers.
  3. A debtor facing creditor enforcement actions suspended the process using Form N244, enabling negotiations for a new payment plan.

Help with Court Fees

You may also be legible for help with some court fees, this post on How the EX160 can help debtors may be of interest to you. Additionally, if you have never been to court, then this document on what to expect when attending court for debts may also assist you.


Court Form N244 proves to be a valuable resource for debtors facing financial challenges. If you’re uncertain about its use or need assistance in preparing your case, consult a debt adviser or solicitor for guidance.

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