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Form N244 Can Stop an Eviction

Form N244 Stop Eviction #johnnydebt

Form N244 Stop Eviction

How Form N244 Can Be Used to Halt an Eviction

Evictions can be a distressing experience, but in the United Kingdom, tenants/owners facing this situation have an option to seek relief through Form N244. This legal document empowers individuals to apply for a stay of eviction, providing them with an opportunity to delay or suspend the eviction order. In this blog post, we will explore how Form N244 can be effectively utilised to halt an eviction, ensuring you have a chance to present their case to the court. Form N244 can be used to ask the court to suspend your possession order or warrant of possession.

Understanding Form N244

Form N244 is an essential tool within the UK legal system, designed to facilitate applications to the court for various purposes, including stopping an eviction. While this form is commonly used by tenants, but it can also be used by mortgage holders. It is crucial to comprehend the specific requirements and procedures associated with Form N244 to navigate the eviction process effectively.

Notice of Eviction

Completing Form N244

Completing Form N244 accurately and comprehensively is crucial for a successful application. When filling out the form, it is essential to provide precise details about your case, including the reasons for seeking a stay of eviction. Providing supporting evidence, such as documents or correspondence, can strengthen your application. By ensuring clarity and completeness, you enhance your chances of obtaining the desired outcome.

Seeking Legal Advice

Legal advice can be invaluable when dealing with eviction proceedings and completing Form N244. Consulting a solicitor (which will cost) or reaching out to housing charities can provide you with the guidance needed to navigate the legal intricacies effectively. These professionals possess the knowledge and experience to help you understand the requirements of Form N244, ensuring that your application is accurate and compelling. Maybe also using the CAB as a point of reference. However, there is no reason as to why you can not get on and do this yourself!

Presenting Your Case

When using Form N244 to stop an eviction, it is vital to present your case persuasively to the court. Clearly outline the reasons why the eviction should be halted, focusing on any mitigating circumstances or viable resolutions. Providing a well-structured and coherent argument, supported by relevant evidence, can significantly strengthen your chances of success. Remember, the court’s decision will be based on the information presented, so make sure to present your case compellingly.

Form N244 Stops Eviction

Additional Evidence

We would recommend the completion of our Income and Expenditure, which should show in minute detail your finances and also how you plan to make changes to work your way out of this predicament. You could also include any medical documents or other documentation that explains how you got into this situation.

The Importance of Timeliness

Timing is critical when utilising Form N244 to stop an eviction. It is crucial to submit the form promptly, adhering to the specified timelines and court deadlines. Delaying the application could undermine your chances of success. By acting swiftly, you demonstrate your commitment to resolving the issue and increase the likelihood of a favourable outcome.

Examples of Stopping and Eviction

It is worth searching this site for Stopping and Eviction or Form N244 to stop and eviction. It is important to note that, courts are very reluctant to allow an eviction to go ahead, so by completing the forms to the best of your ability will help. When dealing with the court staff and the judge, be respectful as this too will help your case greatly.

Can’t Afford the Court Fees?

You may want to consider using Court From EX160, by using this form you may be entitled to reduced or even better zero court fees.


Form N244 serves as a lifeline for tenants/owners facing eviction in the UK. By understanding the purpose and requirements of this legal document, you can effectively halt an eviction and gain an opportunity to present your case to the court. Seek legal advice, complete the form accurately, and present a compelling argument to maximise your chances of success. Remember, time is of the essence, so act promptly to protect your rights and secure your home.


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