What is the Best Debt Solution for Me
The problem with getting the best debt solution for you is, many companies out there will try to put you into a debt solution that is best for them! Often people end up in a debt solution such as an IVA, because that particular debt solution generates the company the most income. Prior going into any form of debt solution a full financial fact find will be carried out on you. The full financial fact find will not only look at your Income and Expenditure, but also any assets that you have now, or possibly in the future, (if you inherit any money, this could also be taken into account). So in reality a full financial fact find will show the company where some good profit can be made.
Searching for Free Debt Help
The problem with searching for “Free Debt Help” on Google is, the top four companies that appear in your search are paid for adverts. Adverts have to be marked as adverts, so to get away with the minimum requirements, the word Ad is places at the very beginning. So, not a really massive indicator that these companies have paid to be on the number 1 position.
After you scroll past the top four who are advertising, you then get to the others companies that are ranking high on Google for the Keywords, “Free”, “Debt” and “Help”. So are they offering Free Debt Help? Well no, when you start to read what they are offering, you will see something like “Our free and expert advice helps you deal with your debts“. So these companies are paying a lot of money to rank highly in a Google search for those keywords.
The cost of advertising on Google can vary widely depending on the industry, keywords and location. According to Google, the average cost-per-click (CPC) across all industries is around $1 to $2, however, some industries such as financial (debt), legal or insurance can have an average CPC of $10 or more. Highly competitive industries like personal injury law or drug rehab can have even higher CPCs. The most expensive keywords can cost over $50 per click. However, with the right targeting, ad copy and landing page, it’s possible to run a successful campaign even in highly competitive niches with a lower CPC.
Debt Advice Charities or Non Profit Charities
Ooh, that sounds good. Once again I would advise that you do your research, just take the time to read through all of the information within this post. Search for the good, the bad, and the horror stories. The word charity or non profit, does not always mean the you will benefit from any advice of solution offered.
Unique Funding to Offer You a Free Debt Solution
One company offers Free Debt Management Plans, because of a “special” relationship that they have with creditors and collection agencies.These companies receive a donation from the credit industry. I often think that where there is a relationship, does this actually benefit the poor person who is in debt? You will also often note that if an IVA is a solution, then this is passed onto another company, or to a company with a similar name. It would be interesting to see just how many people are in an IVA, when there is a better solutions.
Search for Bad Debt Solutions
When you are searching for the right debt solution, why not search for debt solutions in another way? You may not straight away get the answer you are looking for, but it can and will highlight some of the problems and issues that others have faced in the past. Perhaps search for; “The Dark Side of a XYZ debt help company” “Is XYZ debt help really free”, “Debt Help Companies Reviews” (but do remember there is a big market for fake reviews).
Perhaps a good place to look is a debt help forum online. Once again, you need to treat this with caution!! Some are owned by Debt Management Companies (DMC’s) whilst others are hunting grounds for people who work for DMC’s. These people will offer good sounding advice, only in the end to hook you up with a hefty fee charging company.
Perhaps a good starting place would be a site like Money Saving Expert. They have been around for a very long time and I do not recall any wrong doings from them. So maybe join the forum and read through some of the older comment, then perhaps ask loads of questions about your personal situation.
Read and Learn About the Different Debt Solutions
As this title says, get out there and get as much information at you can about each of the debt solution that are out there. If you are in a desperate situation and have the strength, you can put yourself into a DIY debt management plan. You can then consider this as a short, medium or long term solution, but it will give you more time to think.
Why is Johnny Debt Not Number 1 in a Search
Cos we refuse to pay for anything! 😉 😉 😉 If you have read this far or other articles on this site, you will see that we are not fans of IVA’s. Too many companies/people are making too much money from this “legitimate” solution.
Important Information
I would suggest that your read the useful information section on this site, as there is something you should read as you try to sort your problems! Do take the time to click on Must Read Information About Debt.