Making Money with Google Adsense
This time I thought I would write some more about monetising my blog. So yesterday I decided to sign up with Google AdSense. The whole idea is that I will show readers from the very beginning of what the earning potential is with a site like this one.
Johnny Debt Site Statistics
Currently my site has the following statistics:
Google Page Rank: 3
Alexa Rank: 297,673
Search Queries: 1,783
Impressions: 57,534
Clicks: 1,597
UpDowner: The site is on 815th position in our Fastest growing sites Ranking.
I am sure that there are other ways to measure a website, but the above is a quick snapshot of how the site ranking at the time of writing this post.
Signing Up with Google AdSense
I have to say that this was a very simple and painless process. Maybe this was because I already had a Google Plus (or is it Google + or G+). I had to fill out some form fields in order to receive payment once I had made some money from Google AdSense.
The process for signing up is a two step process.
- On signing up you have to register the website that you are going to use with them. Google will then check your site to ensure that it meets with their advertising standards.
- You are then able to create an advertising banner to place on your site. Google will then once again check your site to ensure suitability.
Once signed in, you then follow some fairly simple procedures in order to create the advertising banners that you would need for your web site. These are then posted on your site and after a period of time Google will check suitability and the adverts will go live.
At the moment I am only part way through stage two of the process. If you see blank areas on this post or other places on the site, it just means that I am awaiting for it to go live. If you are reading this and see adverts, then I have passed quality control.
Site Earnings
I will be coming back on a regular basis to keep you updated on the progress of the earnings that this site is making.
As you will see in the screen shot below all the figures stand at zero.
Making Money with Google Adsense Video
And finally here is the link to Google AdSense