About to be Evicted?
It would seem that eviction season is here again ……… or maybe it never went away?? Being evicted from one’s home is a very stressful and overwhelming situation. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to try and stop the eviction. First and foremost, one should contact the landlord, property owner or mortgage company and explain the situation, as well as provide evidence of any extenuating circumstances that may be causing the inability to pay the mortgage/rent. It is also worth presenting an Income and Expenditure to show how you plan to resolve the issue. In some cases, the landlord/mortgage lender may be willing to negotiate a payment plan or other arrangement. Additionally, there may be local legal assistance such as Citizens Advice, which could provide the necessary resources to stop the eviction process. Ultimately, it is important to take initiative and explore all possible options to ensure that one is not unfairly evicted from their home.
Form N244 to Stop an Eviction
In this post How to Stop an Eviction, it goes into more detail of what you should do if you are trying to prevent an eviction yourself.

If you have had an Eviction Notice from the courts they you will need to complete form N244 Application Notice. It is best to complete and submit this form with additional evidence, which can be found following the link above.
Do Not Ignore an Eviction Notice
If there is even the slightest hint, that you may be evicted, then do not ignore this, as the problem will not go away! However, you do have the opportunity to stop and eviction from taking place. On this site there are a number of instances, where people have been threatened with eviction, but by acting fast, those people have been able to stop the eviction from taking place. As well as the link posted above on how to stop an eviction, this post on Eviction Stopped may also be worth having a read through. Together with an N244, Income and Expenditure and additional evidence, you are able to stop and eviction. There is a Form N244 on this site, but it is recommended that you check with the courts website, to ensure that you have the most up-to-date version of the form.
Completing an Income and Expenditure
It is advisable to do an in depth financial fact find on yourself, you will then be able to see exactly where your income is going, then take steps to change things that will help your financial situation. On completing that, you will be able to see if actually staying at the property long term is actually possible. It is always advisable to keep track of your income and expenditure on a regular basis, this way you will always know if your finances are heading in the right direction.
The main tool to stopping an eviction is Court Document form N244 Application Notice A copy of this form can be downloaded from Useful Information.
Once the N244 is completed it is then submitted to the courts with any additional information that can be presented. The whole idea is to prove to the courts what your exit strategy is to solving this problem!! Follow the other links above!
Dog Stops Eviction
I also remember a little while ago,: someone who was about to be evicted borrowed his neighbours dog. When the bailiffs knocked on the door all they could hear was the dog barking and snarling in the hallway. They posted a letter box through the door, giving another date for eviction. The dog was not to be on the premises when they next visited!! I doubt that this would work in all cases, but it did happen to work on this particular occasion. Even if you use some form of tactic to prevent an eviction taking place on a certain day, it will NOT work long term.
Form N244 Application Notice
You will be able to find a copy of Form N244 in the Download Section at the top of this page. Alternatively you can get Form N244 direct from the Government site pus other documents that may assist you. Form N244 Application Notice.
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